Business Challenge:  In the wake of 2008 financial collapse, GlobeOp, a software admin platform for hedge funds, saw opportunity to capitalize on a new federally mandated compliance called Form PF (Private Fund).
Hedge fund and banking hedge fund managers, CFOs and CTOs
Customer Insight:
Form PF is complex and an overwhelming investment in time and costs that we aren’t prepared or equipped to do ourselves in-house.
Position GlobeOp is THE industry expert in Form PF.
Creative Solution:
Series of entertaining spots shown during peak times on financial shows (e.g., Bloomberg, Morning Joe, etc) that stand out from the other financial commercial messages — visually and in tone — to make its singular, timely point. 
Business Value: 
This campaign series for a financial tech platform: 1. Achieved its goals of awareness and sales leads. 2. Underscored the importance of the complex, scary Form PF in a simple, entertaining way. 3. Urged action without hammering prospect with legal+financial nuance. 4. Echoed the brand’s “Be Confident” campaign, positioning GlobeOp as the trusted expert. 5. Gave GlobeOp a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

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