Business Challenge:
GlobeOp, a hedge fund technology software platform, was on a mission to rise above its competitors. Not by its technology alone, but by the differentiating style and tone of its brand. The Annual Report, usually a template design filled in every year, was actually a potentially influential vehicle not just to impress with the numbers, but to make an impression of a strong brand.

Financial investors, with focus on hedge fund market.

Customer Insight:
Investors are people, too, with real human needs beyond finding the numbers. The think more positively, confidently about companies they choose to invest in when they emotionally feel — not just read about — a brand’s innovation and strength.

Strategy/Brand Position:
GlobeOp as the “Be Confident” technology — and brand.

Creative Solution:
Create an annual report to amplify the “Be Confident” message to clients, investors and the world.

Business Value:
Helped grow AuA 71% to $187 billion, revenue 41% to $221.3 million, stock value 142%, leading to $1 billion acquisition.

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