THREE BRANDING MINDSETS (TO SHIFT). Mindset #1 (to Shift): Place Your “Message Stack” Above All. No, not “above all.” The message stack is vital and valued to your marketing and sales. Indeed, it is the bathwater you keep fresh, clean and healthy, tracking ...

Shifting from Purchaser to User

Shifting From Purchaser To User. Imagine there’s no purchaser. It’s easy if you try…. Try to think of your customer as someone you care about (brother, mother, friend) in the act of using your product or service. Rather than a faceless data point you’re trying to get to purchase. And ...

Irresistible at First Sight

Hmmm, what’s wrong with this picture that makes it so right? So irresistible to the eye and brain? Is your brand saying, Hey, check this out, something different!? Or are you signaling, Been there, done that? Are your customers seeing, feeling, something different about you? Compelling, intriguing them at first sight, to know more? Engaging their imagination ...