Marketing Strategy is not a thing.
Or shouldn't be.

1-2-3 Business Friction Reduction.
For anyone in Strategy, Brand, Marketing, Sales…

Even if it feels counter to some Rule or Great Order of Things you've heard or been taught...

1. Marketing Strategy is not a thing.
Or shouldn't be. See #2 below

2. Your Business is your Brand. Brand is Strategy.
Your only strategy. See #3 below.

3. Everything Else is a Plan.

You reduce org friction
and increase customer-to-sale velocity
when you get your Brand Strategy right.
And discipline every Plan to it.
So, if, like most orgs, you have multiple strategies
– Marketing Strategy, Media Strategy, HR Strategy, Product Strategy, Events Strategy, R&D Strategy, Sales Strategy – you are unwittingly dividing and weakening the operational flow and essence of your business.

A "strategy" for each dept/function, even if subtly variant, is an oar rowing off-cadence.
The boat is in friction mode. Can't win. 

They are Plans. Not strategies.
Strategy takes no plural form.
Words, and the distinction of words, matter.

Plans are designed and guided by One Strategy: Brand.

Think Business as the shell in a rowing regatta.
Brand as coxswain.
The crew/oars are in sync, in rhythm, to One message.
For one purpose: to reduce friction. For one goal: To win. 

Or think business as the brain. Most vital organ. Command Center. Coordinates all body actions, reactions. Including heart's rhythm. Brain ceases function = clinically dead, even if heart continues to beat. Brand ceases. Customer Experience ceases. Business dies. Even as Marketing continues to bleed out budget in any form of communication and selling. Dead.

Brand is Brain is Life (Coxswain) of Business. 

Heart that.