You know things. Like how storytelling is the way we're wired to learn. To communicate. To empathize.  Yep, to sell, our ideas, our dreams.

You can't sell it if you can't tell it. It's just part of our human DNA:
1. We learn (far faster)
2. and retain (far longer)
3. Through stories.

Not through packed slides and whiteboards of features and benefits, no matter how cool the info graphics. So, intellectually knowing this is true, why, why, why ever pitch or sell, without telling it as Story? Too hard? Not a writer or "storyteller," you say? Your product or service "too complex" -- too many facts, features and benefits to pack into every slide?

WELL, I would I present the facts, features and benefits of WHY STORYTELLING WORKS SO SO MUCH MORE EFFECTIVELY? And know what I found? A classic story about it.  This story of Ben might blow your mind. Did mine.

THE STORY OF A LITTLE BOY NAMED BEN: Paul Zak, director of the center of neuro-economics at Claremont Graduate University, created this very human Story to tell his very neuroscience story. 

“A compelling story with an emotional trigger alters our brain chemistry,making us more trusting, understanding of others, and open to ideas.”
- Paul  Zak

”Research shows that the more you present facts to a user,the more she questions the veracity of your argument.”
- Michael Gazzaniga, dir, SAGE Center, UCSB or call/text +1 973-454-8536