Are your customer experiences focused on earning the trust of a User or of a Purchaser? User focus is being in their lives. Purchase focus is being in their wallets. Guess which the customer prefers, and which is counter-productive.
Purchase Brands focus on
a. Creating demand to buy the product
b. Promotion
c. Influencing what people think on the path to purchase
Usage Brands focus on
a. Creating demand, after the purchase, for the use of the product
b. Creating advocacy after the purchase: what customers say to each other
c. Influencing how people experience the brand at every touchpoint
My money is on Usage Brands, because it’s how the digital world works…and it’s how human beings work.
Reference: SAP, Siegel+Gale, and Shift Thinking, published in Harvard Business Review, Survey of 5,000 U.S. consumers, 50 brands, on brand perception, usage, preference, and advocacy, with brand rankings, Net Promoter Scores (NPS).
janzlotnick@gmail.com or call/text +1 973-454-8536